February 14, 2020

Let nothing spoil your Valentine’s date

Dinner date this Valentine’s day? Food safety first!
June 7, 2019

Allergen Cleaning Procedure: Validation Vs. Verification

Biological, chemical (including allergens), and physical contamination during food production can be prevented by implementing an effective cleaning process. To avoid cross-contact of allergens, a cleaning process must be validated for its ability to remove allergens then its effectiveness verified regularly.
May 8, 2018

Food Safety for Start-ups and Entrepreneurs

Thinking about opening a food business? Here are some tips and insights from the article of Rommel Gerodias "Food Safety for Start-ups and Entrepreneurs" in Food Safety Trends Philippines Magazine Issue 6.
May 2, 2018

Street Smarts: Food Safety Tips for Street Vended Food

Let's get something straight: WE LOVE STREET FOODS. People from all walks of life have a special love for street food because of its lip-smacking flavors. It is also a good way to taste the country’s distinct food culture.
September 28, 2017

Food Safety Trends PH Magazine Issue 5

Food Safety Trends Philippines Magazine explores the significance of implementing a food safety management system along with its challenges, and the resources needed to implement, maintain, […]