March 31, 2020

For your efforts and dedication, THANK YOU!

Food Safety Trends PH is one with the nation in thanking our frontliners who continue with the battle to fight COVID-19. Our deepest gratitude to our healthcare workers, the public and law enforcers, emergency responders, city and barangay employees, researchers and scientists, cashiers and supermarket attendants, janitorial team, and other frontliners who are tirelessly serving the community. Thank you for your enormous sacrifices. Your hard work and dedication are very much appreciated.
March 31, 2020

Make sure you don’t miss these areas during handwashing!

As COVID-19 cases around the world continue to increase, millions of lives become more at risk. We owe it to all healthcare workers and front-liners who are currently helping in the COVID-19 situation to safeguard ourselves by staying in our respective homes and, more importantly, by observing proper and frequent handwashing.
March 24, 2020

Can corona virus (COVID-19) be transmitted to food?

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is generally thought to be spread from person to person through respiratory droplets. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is currently no evidence that the virus can be transmitted through food or food packaging.