“It is important that we utilize a test system that can accurately detect and measure possible hazards, especially microorganisms that are able to multiply in a short period of time. Faster turnaround time of test results can make food products more readily available in the market. Recent innovations of rapid test systems make use of approved methods that include convenient and streamlined workflow. This minimizes complicated and laborious protocols, which in turn minimizes errors. The ease and speed of using rapid test systems not only ensures the quality and safety of food products, but is also able to contribute to an overall cost-effective system that minimizes recalls, reworks, and disposal of rejected food products.”
Excerpt from Ms. Enya Lou Anas’s article, “Food Safety Quality Assurance Tools for Safe and Quality Food”, published in the 10th volume of the Food Safety Trends PH Magazine (FSTM). Find out more about these food safety quality assurance tools when you get a copy of the latest FSTM volume!